Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

Pity is what I got Pity is what I received Pity is not what I wanted
7 years 3 months ago
Your fur so fluffy, Your eyes so tiny,Sometimes you're angry and sometimes you're whinny.
7 years 3 months ago
It is very strange to picture what lies ahead, Shall things come easy as it has been said,
7 years 3 months ago
She is sadly lost And heading down a corruptive path Messing around with the wrong crowd
7 years 3 months ago
Why didn't she come talk to me? Why didn't she say something was wrong? Why didn't she reach out for help?
7 years 3 months ago
Who am I? 
7 years 3 months ago
Lay down your book. Shut off the light. Check your phone for one last time. Don't like the space. Don't like the night.
7 years 3 months ago
I stood here before, dreaming to soar, Thinking about all that was in store.  Wishing all be well, but I fell.
7 years 3 months ago
Like a wave crashing on the shoreIt came in increments, swallowing me whole.I tried to lift myself up, again, and again,And again,Yet the
7 years 3 months ago
More time to grow. More milk from the breasts; sweet. More than one step at a time today than yesterday.
7 years 3 months ago
