Poems from savigirl14

I am a very creative person. I love to read, write, sing, dance and act. Poetry to me is a way of self expression that lightens someone's heart. I love white chocolate and my favorite book is Anne of Green Gables
You see the pain in my eyes But you no longer care Slowly as my human soul dies You stand by and stare   I know I have changed I'm not...
The words flow out of my mouth My whisper floats in the wind They fly from the north and go to the south They go on without end   The...
Her cries are never heard Nor is the pain seen on her face He voice is quiet like a bird She is the social disgrace   He is filled with...
No one sees who I am inside No one can understand Depression is my darkside It seems to have the upper hand   I feel bombarded by the...
This isn't technically a poem but this should be seen: These past few days I have been very upset and depressed. So I went on youtube and...
