Poems about Politics

Struggling through six AP’s of junior year seems like a time in th
construction reconstruction there was a house and there was a life delays in building and delays from strife
Life always surprises others with its unexpected gifts, as usual.   Life.
On November 9th, The world woke up In shock, despair, and disbelief
Was it all in vain? The happiness in my heart that ignited hearing President Obama's name?
On a special morning in December  20 years ago I landed with only 2 suitcases
I sit here in my room, As I have each day, And I thoroughly contemplate,
Looking back, much has changed-- Not just in my life but in America's. An election year that sparked protest
I knew going in the year would change me no more artificial skin
It began as it always does: empty promises, hollow resolutions, and the hope of a blank slate despite all else.
