Poetry Writing Tips

Words are weapons. Your words can change the way people look at the world and our guides will help you improve.

Did you know that there are famous books (like Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein) that are based on dreams?

Some people find their inspiration from looking to the future.

You already use rhythm and rhyme when you write poetry.

Acrostic poetry is a fun and simple type of poetry which will allow you to experiment with different writing techniques and formatting a

This type of poem comes from Italy, and translates to “third rhyme.” You might be familiar with poetry that is made up of four lines at

A haiku is a type of poem which will allow you to practice focusing on specific numbers of lines and syllables in your poetry writing.

A modern ballad is usually a song, one that is a combination of long, slow, heartfelt and sad.

An idyll is a short poem that creates a story and paints a picture of everyday life, while making things that at first seem simple much

In French, the word “cinq” means the number five, which already hints at the writing technique of this poem.
