Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

 until towers of ice build to the fill-line of my veins
1 week 1 day ago
I do not like the dark. The stillness creeping through my bones Crippling my senses 
1 week 1 day ago
Today is new ,  Today it’s sunny , Today I woke up , 
1 week 1 day ago
Can’t be , Shouldn’t be , Why this , Why now ,
1 week 1 day ago
  I know it’s written
1 week 1 day ago
Noone knows the life I live Noone knows the pain I hide Or the fear I have deep inside Noone knows how weird I am
1 week 1 day ago
I have safe guards in place just in case They are not able to help.
1 week 1 day ago
Itching itching nowhere
1 week 1 day ago
What were are and what we will be;Is pre decided for us already;Its a fake reality, the world we live in today;There are ups and downs an
1 week 2 days ago
All of this time I kept blaming myself, wondering why I was never good enough,
1 week 2 days ago
