Sonder Poetry


Welcome to our group

Where poetry interloops

embroidery hoop


I'm bad at haikus

But here's another for you

Why not join our group

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Public - accessible to all site users
Is this a Teacher-led school group or Independent group?: 
Independent group

What members are writing

What is a girl?

What is a boy?


You may simply answer

4 years 5 months ago

 Hi, welcome to Al1ster,

the world's best utopia,

all your troubles will be solved here,

4 years 5 months ago

Have you ever felt a knife cut

From your neck down to your ribcage

Almost piercing your heart

4 years 5 months ago

I am a visionary

Not one that plans for the future

But instead, can picture something perfectly


4 years 5 months ago

To have a black hole for a heart

Is not so bad

It holds time


And flowers forever green

4 years 5 months ago
