I am.. Strong.

I am unsure of where to start.

Although, I am sure that what I am about to say is true for me.

More than anything I just want to do the right thing and be the right kind of person. 

So, please listen. That is all I ask for. I am not perfect and I do not have all the answers. I hope you are okay with that.

Thank you for reading this far.  I wanted to say that I am still learning and that I am still 

Really insecure with my place here on earth. But, I am aware that there is no place I would rather be.

One thing that keeps me going is the unknown. The uncertainty of the furture. I am excited to see what this all becomes.

No one tells you what you are capable of. I have no idea. But, I do know that one day I will and that is enough for me.

eventually, I will have it all together. And the questions of my future, will unfold as time passes and develop into a reality that I will own with pride. 

Growth has led me to this point. I no long have fear. I have an understanding and I have an agenda. And I owe it all to you for listening. For that,




This poem is about: 
