Poems from Camezquita97

let me fall far from the ground. let me fall into the water.  let me fall into the flow.  let me fall into the river.  let me fall along a...
Rich green emeralds, rich bright pearls, blood red rubies on pale lace! How rich she was, Oh, Sarafina!   So many fine gems that she...
    My body is malformed.  It has every single limb but I can't conform.  The thighs, the sides, the stomach, the hands; they're all too...
I stand behind a glass case.I am an object to behold.For my submissive nature and gentler tones. I tend to children, I tend to the injured...
The thundering of hooves disturbs the waters, for the strength of the beast pushes against the currents, forcing and breaking and...
