Poems from JPB

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I write to cope with the pains of everyday life, so that I may help anyone that I can.
It is our human duty to be a part of this greater outlook on life.Our lives are connected by the bindings of mortality and belonging. Yet...
Behold the truth that sets us freeBehold the truth that binds theeBehold the truth that harms us soBehold the truth we've come to...
If the world does not want to be saved, why save it?So does the error of mankind leave its everlasting mark.So valiantly once thought of,So...
By the darkest moments, we shape our opinionated life.At the darkest hour, our true faith is tested.To the darkest corners, in our sorrows...
Time,Who shall I blame mine on?This thing so intricate,Endlessly flowing throughout the world around us.It does not turn back for anyone....
