Poems from Khirsty

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I am 20 and am pursuing my bachelor's degree and Mount St. Mary's University. I am a Psychology Major and an Ethnic Studies Minor.
Although I can feel the hurt In the pit of my stomach I'll keep my chin up high. Because I've been down this road before And I know how to...
You're close to my touch But I can't grasp your hand Because it's already preoccupied Holding someone else's. But that doesn't mean...
Possession of dualistic spirit. A split of who you were before, and after. Before, smiles crept across your face Simply for the fact that...
It is malicious. It is a place you go when you find revenge, vengeance, and reprisal, Delicious. It is a place where you feel trapped...
He made her uncomfortable. Not uncomfortable in the sense that his presence was not desired, But uncomfortable because she couldn’t quite...
