Poems from Zachary Harris

Zachary Harris's picture
23, Christine Harris, Lila Jaine Harris. TMS.
It's just this ball of light  Enchantingly bright It comes with the day And leaves with the night   Its warmth surrounds Earth's humble...
Would they notice? Day by day as we live and move and breath  We have the chance to do things distinctively in united design But when we...
The future.   There I was 10 years old Arrested by the comforts of my bed  Awaiting my story to unfold Like a child full of dreams I...
The soul sits upon the hilltop of choice Potential awaiting kinetic  Stillness awaiting force The soul waits upon that which will push it...
Time began with future in sight  God opened his mouth and said "let there be light"  And all that was and all that has come to be  All the...
