Poems from sarahdougal

sarahdougal's picture
Amateur poet- I'm still learning, so feel free to point out spelling/grammatical errors and such. All my writing is clean, no swearing or sex, etc. Love art- my strongest points are ceramics and sketching. Not that great of a painter, though I would love to be better at watercolor. Dog lover, country girl, artist. Unpublished author(so far). Can't stand seafood. Fascinated by all nature. LDS.
Mama, you are the very Epitome, the goddess Of life And I am your other half, your balance. How long did you seriously expect me To stay...
Tonight I watched a girl defeat her PTSD by shattering the bones of the creature that killed her. Let me rephrase- I've read too much...
I laughed, when they sang to me your praises, your perfections, and instantly decided to hate you. From experience I can tell you that the...
You asked how to write like I do. Oh darling, you don't know the impossibilities of what you asked. You must not speak, for fear that the...
  I read a story, about a girl who grew feathers to save her dead sister, and found  redemption in the sky until she tripped over the...
