gender fluid

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Every little kid learns about butterflies, With their fluttering wings and their monumental transformation
What is normal?In the womb,I was God’s perfect creation,His treasured possession,Fearfully and wonderfully made.When I was born,The doctor cried out:It’s a girl!As they rushed me down the hall to NICU.When I was in kindergarten they told us to sta
You are either a girl or a boy, and that's it, right?You can be one or the other, not both and not neither.That's what I've been told, and I try to believe it with all my might,But I know how I feel, you don't.
Since I'm destined to be a coffee ground, I want to be fertilizer.   I don't exist in your bookshops or museums. I don't have a place on your TVs or radios. You'll never hear about me.
The crown held high upon my head The pain I feel in my heart as I look out  The Kingdom before me filled with dread I hear a man in the crowd shout   "Where is our Queen?"  
A human body is made up of trillions of cells Those cells form together to make people People vary in size from babies the size of a hand To still growing adults above eight feet tall
Somedays I look down at this body, I do not believe that it is mine, My eyes are mine, but every thing else seems as though I was so far away from it, like a drunk man pulls on strings
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