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Those rosy cheeks, And small delicate lips, But what a geek, That pointed, flushed nose, The glassed over eyes, Bullied for rugged clothes. Her small frame fragile, And her life a huge mess
Beauty is as thin and temporary as the Skin cells we shed each day, so Pull out the X-ray and take a deeper Look, for true beauty lies within  In the muscle that gives me strength And connects the
Beauty is as thin and temporary as the Skin cells we shed each day, so Pull out the X-ray and take a deeper Look, for true beauty lies within  In the muscle that gives me strength And connects the
#nofilterslam Youngest of seven, thought I was painted. I am the only one of my siblings with brown colored skin, making me quite literally the black sheep-- am I tainted?
The Beauty of Color               I stand in the mirror and look at my face Wondering why this dark shade of brown continues to exist as a disgrace.
Beauty is not so skin deep That it can't be touched  by a mouse on the screen of a nation screaming for a change As they reach inside  to push the self-destruct button
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