Poems about Animals

Perched curiously on a treetop, hiding from zoo goers. Enclosed in captivity, and taunted by animal deaths. Animals don't have choices.
Raymond lived across the road In a trailer with a mother cat and five kittens
Lie back and whiff the crisp frozen air lingering for a 4 a.m. midnight showing of the moon
Waking up being me,This me just thinks of me,the life that differ,Taking care of the family me,
This is a Hiku Syllables in five, seven, five Japanese style poems
Man walk around feeling on top, knowing that they are on top of the food chain, with no worries
death follows behind the darkness fill the air they seek a new leader but will i be ready?  
The beeping of the alarm does not wake me. I"m not shaken. The sun shines bright through my window. I'm not mistaken.
I entered the I AM SECOND spoken word contest with underground christian rap artist, Propaganda.
Asking me why I write is like asking a lion why he hunts.
