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Lingering Feelings Your smell still on the blanket sheets,
4 days 1 hour ago
Lingering Feelings Your smell still on the blanket sheets,
4 days 1 hour ago
Have you ever walk in a crowded room & still felt lonely  You ever express how you feel 
4 days 1 hour ago
Before there was light before there was sound Gravity wandered
4 days 6 hours ago
Faded  blue  jeans  with  a hole on the  knee  cartoonish drawings on my bare knee.
4 days 8 hours ago
A legacy for a father waiting uninspired Painted by the numbers
4 days 10 hours ago
“It’s a girl!” Her mom said exited Her dad disappointed, written on his face  He wants a boy, a man, not a girl 
4 days 13 hours ago
Owning the memories of the years without me  
4 days 14 hours ago
Samsun İkinci El Laptop Alanlar 0530 974 14 55 Samsun ikinci El Laptop Alım Satım Samsun 2.El Laptop alınır Macbook Laptop alanlar alanla
4 days 14 hours ago
Bafra İkinci El Laptop Alanlar 0530 974 14 55 Samsun Bafra ikinci El Laptop Alım Satım Samsun Bafra 2.El Laptop alınır Macbook Laptop ala
4 days 14 hours ago
