Browse Poems

WARNING! Some poems contain explicit language.
Not sure what to search for? Try finding a poem by fate...

10 years 1 day ago
One job. Change. Passion. Future. Career. Profession. Happy. Dentisty.
10 years 1 day ago
It appreciates simplicity, and yet it values creativity. Thoughts never stop just like electricity.
10 years 1 day ago
10 years 1 day ago
We are all one and for him not like us blacks out in public is just Ludacris  
10 years 1 day ago
my arms are full of new beds that i have made with a rake and a hoe my scar gardens that grow.
10 years 1 day ago
Tick-Tock 3-4 Hammer, saw, nail, and hat Sweat on brow, and tampered back Leathered hands with blistered feet
10 years 1 day ago
A poor land wih rich culture,  Sick people with healthy minds
10 years 1 day ago
Just Because I'm silly Doesn't mean I'm stupid, It dosen't mean im dumb, It doesn't mean I have bad grades,
10 years 1 day ago
Success is relative You determine how successful you are there is always ways to be more successful
10 years 1 day ago
