America The Great

Let’s make America Great again is a famous line by Donald Trump,

As long as this man is president we will continue to fall into this slump.

We have children not being fed at night,

Yet one of our most patriotic songs sings about the dawn’s early light?

How did we get to where we are?

It’s easy the racial biases we hear and “how we’ve come so far”.

How does your Daddy feel that your boyfriend’s not white?

People hear these racial comments every night.

There are police shooting men for the color of their skin,

They don’t stop to see what kind of person they are within.

They say “Let’s make America great again”,

But when was it ever great? When we were hanging innocent men?

People say they aren’t racist but when their friends make a joke they think it’s funny,

President Trump would you find humor in making about half of your money?

Just because there’s not segregation,

Doesn’t mean there’s not separation.

But it’s not even just a struggle between the white and the black,

Its every minority that keeps taking the flack.

This man we call the president has said something offensive about everyone.

We can’t sit back these next four years, something needs to be done.


This poem is about: 
My country



Pretty Political, Not everyone in this country is actually equal. We have so much racism and hurt in this country.

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