Bullying for body image

Bothering us from the insides out

Underestimating our worth and power

Living a fake life to hide who we truly are

Loving all the super models but not ourselves

Young children starving to become skinnier

Imagining ourselves in somebody else's body

Never showing our true selves

Giving up on sweets and sugar because somebody called us fat and ugly

Bullying kills people, 

Only we can prevent it

Don't doubt yourselves

You are beautiful just the way you are

Imagine all the people young and old we would save if we prevent bullying

Make the bullies believe they can't hurt us

Anger fuels inside of you so let it out

Give the bullies and the people who let you down know how you'll feel

Empty all the sorrow and hurt and turn it into happiness





Poetry Slam: 
This poem is about: 
Our world



This poem makes me think about people losing their true selves so they can get a hood opinion from other people 


      If that's a good thing thank you.

I appeciate the feedback.

I hope my future poems help you think that too.

Or give you some type of message. 


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741