Dear Me a Year Ago...

Dear me a year ago...

I would like to imagine to myself as though I were a boy trapped in his own mind

that somehow this letter would greet you with a remeniscent face,

but I know such a thing won't happen.

So instead I write you this letter to hold closer to your heart than

the secrets you bury under chrystalized capilaries rushing with blood spilled

from those who ever did you wrong with their knives made of lies and false hope.

Dear me a year ago...

I wish I could prepare you for the monster hibernating in your soul that will soon

manifest into the snake others call depression,

but the rose that we call friend.Dear me a year ago...

I would like to imagine to myself as though I were a boy trapped in his own mind

that somehow this letter would greet you with a reminiscent face,

but I know such a thing won't happen.

So instead I write you this letter to hold closer to your heart than

the secrets you bury under crystalized capillaries rushing with blood spilled

from those who ever did you wrong with their knives made of lies and false hope.

Dear me a year ago...

I wish I could prepare you for the monster hibernating in your soul that will soon

manifest into the snake others call depression,

but the rose that we call friend.

A roadblock, that makes even the toughest Ford's cower beneath the pavement,

but little do they know you are rigged with suspension that makes even your heaviest

hull of confidence rise.

You are souped up with an engine of blue skies and full tank of gas that will propel

you straight into tomorrow

Dear me a year ago...

I remember you used to think the glass was half empty

Soon, you will appreciate that some people don't even have water in the cup.

I remember you used to think the world was against you when really,

the world is the only thing that makes you who you are.

I remember you used to be afraid of dying,

but the God you serve has bee good enough to give you breath every single day

you needed it.

Dear me a year ago...

You're gonna do great things this year.


A roadblock, that makes even the toughest Ford's cower beneath the pavement,

but little do they know you are rigged with suspension that makes even your heaviest

hull of confidence rise.

You are souped up with an engine of blue skies and full tank of gas that will propel

you straight into tomorrow

Dear me a year ago...

I remember you used to think the glass was half empty

Soon, you will appreciate that some people don't even have water in the cup.

I remember you used to think the world was against you when really,

the world is the only thing that makes you who you are.

I remember you used to be afraid of dying,

but the God you serve has bee good enough to give you breath every single day

you needed it.

Dear me a year ago...

You're gonna do great things this year.

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