I thought I had you beaten. I thought you weren't brave enough to fight back. I didn't think you had the balls to stand up to me. I thought you were a pushover, an easy target to overcome. I guess, I was wrong. I underestimated you. I made you feel less than you were. I made you believe I was in control, because I thought I was. I thought, I couldn't lose to the likes of you. I thought we were one in the eyes of you. But I was a fool who doubted you. Now I have to pay the price for that. So now I sit here with these chains on, knowing that all hope is dead and gone. I beg christ for a second chance, but I don't think he even hears me. I need you back, you're my best friend, please don't leave me. I know, I did wrong, I won't do it again. "Z" I'll make you feel like a better man. Don't leave me in this pit of fire that was only built for the disgust sin. The fire burns and fallen angels weep saying, "Please God; Oh Save Me" I hear this on the daily, those words are driving me crazy. I know I did wrong and you probably hate me, but please "Z" don't leave me. I look up from beneath and see you're happier without me. But how so, when I owned you. You couldn't write a note without me inspiring you. Now that you are your own man, I envy you. You did the impossible, I said you wouldn't do. Now that I see that, I hate you too. Because now fire and brimstone is my new home. The key is lost, I have no where to go. I see that you won't be needing me. I see you're living in a better place. It's a shame things turned out this way. But it's my fault, I deserve this fate. I'm not gonna even lie, but I miss you. I know you don't miss me, but I do. I guess what I'm trying to say is "Z" I need you...

This poem is about: 
My family
My community
My country
Our world


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