Men to Boys

I held you on a pedestal

Your title was irreplaceable

You were a muse left for ones confused

like me

Who didn’t know what a man should be


I came to you with my tears

And you would say "Baby they all want one thing"

What I didn't realize is that ALL

Included you too


Cheaters, Liars, Heartbreakers, and Dogs

All things I never considered you at all

Until that one day Mom sat me down said

Your dad was once the boys he dreads


He smashed a couple and lied to a few

Didn't want to think any of this was true

The man I thought was everything

Turned out to be just like Mike, Brian, and Kenny


Like damn

Could it really be so

The man I held second to god

Hurt my mom how they hurt me though 


I knew from then on that cheating was a disease

An incurable sickness born into men like cancerous seeds


Now I dry my own tears away

And I accept the fact that Men

Just are not what they say



This poem is about: 
My family
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