The Windy Road

Thu, 04/09/2020 - 10:14 -- JKM

The man walked down the windy road to see what he could find.

After several minutes the road jumped up and he was sure he lost his mind.

“Alas”, said the road with it’s twists and twirls, “You know not where you are. For this is my road and no one else. Now get inside my car”.

A nonsensical car appeared, with eyes for wheels and a lion’s head for a bonnet. 

The deep gory roar broke the mans ears and the car shot off like a comet.

Screeching and scratching the eyeballs skidded, sending neon sparks into the air. 

The man tried to hold tightly to everything he could, but all he could do was stare.

Geometric patterns, old and new, flooded his line of vision. It was then and there the man realised that he had to make a decision.

Let go to the road and all it’s quirks, let it show you what it wants.

Or fight against it, then lose the battle, and be another one of those cunts.

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