Poems from ClaudiaP

Is pain a tangible thing? Can you touch it? Can you grab it? If you could  Would it be slimy? Disgusting? Greasy? Or would it be slick?...
They said, "You can talk to him" They said, "He's not a killer" They said, "You can trust him" But I can't do either  I took their word I...
They tell you love last forever  They say it's worth while They say its the best thing ever And it will last for a while Tell you to let it...
The tears stream down so easily  From the words harmonizing in my head From the lines and stanzas I have read Mixed with pain and grief  It...
It's like a beast swallowing me whole It hurts, it burns But it pumps up my heart  You could describe it as love  But not me, its lust I...
