Poems from Nate the Great

Nate the Great's picture
this is my life I have a few accounts on here due to my short memory and crowded mind.
Tell me if I wrote you a sonnet  Would you for me wear a bonnet. Bow and arrow I'll hit the mark. Sing a song for me like a sparrow you...
I'm tired of all this hate and disgust we need to separate its not them its "U.S." We blame everything as a country on a color instead of...
Seeing you again in my life is like turning oxygen into gold. Improbable but still it can happen Worser dreams have been told. Improper...
On the real just want somebody to love me like an addict loves their high. Sleep or no sleep nightquil in my veins I'm just trying to get...
Sitting in this church these people guak at me like alligators in a congregation. Their eyes herd around me like antelope or alpaca around...
