Ash of a Withered Soul


My camera tripod is a robot and it is

trying to kill me I think 



pictures of people I don't know are  


And I am convinced they are past victims so

 you need to help me fold them into 

birds and

put them in a box and 

dump them in the river 

so we can finally witness some kind of evolution 



All of my shoes have abandoned me 

and I am running through the rain


and if the clouds do not precipitate I will 

give them something to cry about by

writing a hate letter and sending it to 

them tied to a small blue balloon that 

used to belong to a child but now 

belongs only to god or maybe reality 



I have this kayak and no one

to row into infinity with 

I tried with one paddle but

I grew a dorsal fin 

and somebody tried to shoot me 


Please send me a box of you 

so I can fill it with me 


and mail it back to you 

so that you can have forks and 

other things

instead of internal organs 


I will go and live on a star flowered mountain 

so I can only be reached only by 

carrier pigeon 

Then if I build a ladder high enough

I might be able to climb somewhere 

nobody has ever seen before. 

There will be jellyfish there and people 

will communicate only with heat.




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