Call to Good Men

Fri, 03/08/2013 - 19:38 -- Nishmo


United States
43° 17' 18.2328" N, 71° 17' 57.4764" W

A world divided by morally correct and morally wrong
That resembles an earthquake made to make the weak feel strong
In our minds, we fight endless struggles bent on the belief of justice
With picket signs and petitions our munition, the desire for more oh so luscious

For a country whose very history was built on freedom
We have become enthralled by the desire for stardom
The beliefs we once all held so dear
Have become mute compared to the riches we hear

When will the good man rise
To take us all by surprise
And allow us the rights we crave
For the land of the free and home of the brave



This is so real and just awesome. Your first line alone , brought me down. loved it!


Thank you, sarairivera! I appreciate the compliment!! ^^

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