A Closer Look

Good-natured, trustworthy, exuberant, determined
Who feels...
Loved by her family
Enthusiastic when playing volleyball Irritated to witness others in harm
Who needs...
Encouragement to reach her goals
Support from her family
Faith that she's headed down the right path in life
Who gives...
Her absolute best in everything she does
Help to the unfortunate
Her time to anyone who needs it
Who fears...
The thought of rejection
Disappointing the loved ones around her
Losing hope in herself
Who would like to see...
The streets of Italy
Her goals accomplished
Herself as a role model
Who hates...
To fail at something she's worked hard at
Judgmental views towards her
Knowing someone's upset with her
Who admires...
The people who've always been there for her
Those who work hard for what they desire
The great Lord up above
Who will someday...
Love waking up for her job
Be happily and faithfully married
Live somewhere sunny everyday


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If you ever need help or support, we trust CrisisTextline.org for people dealing with depression. Text HOME to 741741