Depression Holds Me Tight Another Day


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Depression Holds Me Tight Another Day

Depression has me feeling a rage of sadness
I feel horrible throughout the day
There seems to be no happiness
I tell you to just step back and step away
When I’m feeling depressed
I do not feel like being with anybody, so go away
I don't even feel like getting up and dressed
Sometimes I just want to fall back to sleep
Pretend that I don’t exist and disappear
And, sometimes I just can’t return to sleep
I often find myself living in fear
This feeling is way more than my usual self
My appetite for life is non-existent
I put my body parts upon a shelf
I can’t seem to run at any distance
The pain dramatically causes me so much agony
I have no energy it seems every moment
I feel so alone, beyond far and adequately
My heart aches like a lighting bolt
I'm often left out in the stormy cold
My feelings and thoughts don’t always fall away
I wish I could speak all that I want to say
There’s a hole in my heart way at the bottom
I feel like I’m stuck and can’t break free
This is turning into a huge big problem
My eyes are turning black I cannot see
I feel like I’m sinking into the ground
There’s no shoulder to lean on, no-one is around
Each day that happens to come my way seems worse
Than the seconds, minutes, and hours of yesterday
Is this just meaning that I am cursed
Makes me feel like I’m better off dead
Who would miss me I’ve often heard said
I’ve confessed my sins I’ve stood in line
I couldn’t help myself I went blind
When I’m all by myself and all alone
I try so very hard to make it through
The voice within my head has a scary tone
I think I'm just about through
Something I feel and sense isn’t right
I feel so broken so very wrong
I feel so alone I’m not that strong
At times I’m so discontent or feeling blue
These feelings are so very real and so very true
I don’t think anyone really understands me
I think I’m just about through
My heart and soul are weakening
Is there another day worth seeking
Depression Holds Me Tight Another Day

Written and Copyrights By: Deanna M. Culver

April 2013


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