Don't Blink


United States
40° 49' 19.0128" N, 74° 12' 43.4268" W
United States
40° 49' 19.0128" N, 74° 12' 43.4268" W

As a child I saw life go by slowly,

It dragged on, and I didn't mind.

When my daddy told me that life flies by

I didn’t believe him.

I thought that I had all the time in the world.

I never thought of responsibilities,

Only having fun, and what’s for lunch.


Now I know my daddy was right.

Time flies,

And there’s no way of stopping it.

I don’t have all the time in the world,

Lunch feels like days ago now.

Where does the time go?

It comes and goes in the blink of an eye

And I’m just standing here, blinking.



Your poem reminded me of this saying:
Time flies, you say? Ah no.
Alas, time stays, we go. 

It's sad but true.


TIme is essence! It's crazy how during traumatic or horrible events we don't want to be here and wish it would all go away yet when things are good we bypass time as if it was nothing. Looking hindsight what we thought was really bad just really wasn't as bad and we spent all that time worrying. Life is a precious gift we are given - NOT EARNED!

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