Everlasting Flame

Fire to ashes and ashes reborn
a once strong flame flickers and flails
as the wind grows stable the embers grow frail
then all at once it begins to prevail

the timbers ignite and a ferocious flame is seen
set ablaze with encouragement as though nothing can intervene
a wail is let out and the future provides hope
set free with happiness it begins to elope

all at once the end draws near, the future is dark with all to fear
as time draws closer and the wind gains speed
nothing providing for the fires needs
An eerie gloom falls heavily upon the single spark with only one thing surrounding it-
the lonesome dark

Change can happen and it does so, for the once lost tinder begins to glow
Stronger and stronger with no end in sight, nothing is stopping it from outliving the lonely night

With an infinite end the fire glows bright, blazing and showing love for its companion tonight


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