Fears in the Mind

Some people can make a situation worst in their mind than what it actually is.

As I started to grow up I realized that I had a lot of fears that I blow out of proportion. When I was in Elementary school I was afraid of the darkness. I hated being in the dark because I would always hear scary noises and when I did I started to play out situations in my mind. Maybe it’s a monster or someone trying to take me. As I played out the situations my heart started to race faster and faster. I got out of bed turned on the lights and found out that it was only my dog and the wind making the tree hit the window.

When I got to middle school I was afraid of reading out loud ‘cause I was dyslexic. I would always imagine that I would read then when I was done everyone would laugh at me ‘cause I would stumble through a lot of the words.  In my mind it was like I was reading Shakespeare instead of something easy like Dr. Seuss. When I read in front of the class my hands were shaking and my voice sounded like it was going vibrato, but when I was done the teacher said good job and went to the next student.

 In High School my fear was taking the driving test. I remember sitting in the car waiting for my driving instructor. I started to play out situations in my mind that I was not going to pass or I would hit the pole when it came time to do the parallel parking. My heart was beating so fast that I could hear it, my hands were shaking, and I just want to leave because I was so scared I would fail. A couple of minutes later my driving instructor came in the car and I took several deep breaths. I started the parallel parking portion of the test first and I was surprised by how good I did. By the time the driving test was over I was still a little nervous but when the instructor said I passed I wanted to scream.

 All I ever did was make the situation worst then it really was. I let my mind run wild and I thought of the worst case scenario but it ended up being the best case scenario. I learned that no matter what scenario my mind comes up with I should try my best ‘cause I never knew how good I will do in less I try. My mind might tell me someone is after me or people will laugh but for all I know all I’m doing is making my heart pound. That’s why I believe people can make a situation worst in their mind than what it actually is.



My favorite part of the poem is that is shows that things are not always what they seem.

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