Fully Alive

                                           Regaining consciousness,

                                         Feeling weak and scared,

                                        Barely sixteen and senses impaired, parents running, screaming, shouting,

                                      A phone call to a hospital and an appointment booked was all that had happened,

                                     A doctors visit later,

                                           There was nothing to show,

                                            "Come back if that happens again. Next time we will give the tests a go."

Months went by,

To the D.M.V. we went,

When on the way we had an accident,

My head turned to the left while the road went to the right,

A seizure had occured,

The first that my parents had witnessed.

Mother in the passenger's seat,

Fighting to gain control of the car,

No one was injured,

No cars were struck,

Just my frightened mother,

And my bad luck.

On to the Emergency Room we went,

Not sure of whatelse to do,

The doctor ordered a C.T. Scan and an E.E.G. too,

After awakening and being afraidof hospital personnel,

They let me go home and rest well.

Before I knew it,

I was in the hospital again,

They watched me for a few days,

Then they put me through a surgery,

Free I was on the seventh day.

Only two months went by before another surgery was needed.

Over time, doctors seemed less scary,

Nurses are not scary,

I have learned to be comfortable with a hospital setting.

Shots, I.V.'s, and Cathadars are not that bad.

Standing here now as a  nineteen- year- old woman,

Throughout these past few years,

There hass been fear,

There has been tears,

Plenty of hospital visits have been made,

There is no need to be afraid.

As of this moment,

I have seizures,

I have a brain tumor,

I have Hydrocephalus (which is fluid on the brain),

Total blindness will overcome me in the next nine years,

A heart murmur has also came to light.

Long story short,

There are a lot of odds against me,

I shall however prevail,

Before all of this happened,

My eyes were closed,

Now I see,

Before I was not living life to the fullest,

Now I am fully alive.





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