Half Breeds

When you check a box for a census

you must choose the correct ethnicity that you correspond with.

There are 5 options:

Pacific Islander/Asian

African American



Or you may choose other.

But you can only choose one,

At least that's what they tell you.

But how can I choose one, When I belong to two?

Because you see the blood that runs through my veins consists of two wholes that broke into

halves to create me!

Because my mother is Brown and considered Hispanic

and my Father is the white man that fell in love with her.

So being that I am not just one race, how am I to be judged?

Because my parents defied the ethnic barriers that society implemented within us

And I am the product of said obstruction

And I know not what destruction they will do to me because of my culturally mixed ethnicity.

But there is still that box I need to check, but which one do I choose?

Because on the outside I am not brown enough to be Mexican

And on the inside I am to cultured to be Caucasian!

So where does that leave me?

Do I choose other? Make a box that says "undefined?"

Why should I have to choose between two ancestries that became mixed during my conception?

Why can't they just let me check two or create a box that says half breed or mixed?

Because that is what I am!

I am this indescribable being that has two life streams running through her limbs!

And to choose between them is eliminating half of me

And ultimately dictating in which light the wrld sees me.

Because if I pick Hispanic my skin color cannot support the evidence

And if I choose white am I not provoking every stereotype thrown at me?

I am this bliss that was formed by two people who disregarded the color of their skin

And created a being without a label.

And I can't help but to wonder why people try to do that very thing,

Disregarding the fact that 2 races coming together is possible,

That there are concepts outside of the status we see ourselves living in.

Becaue there are others

Who are Black and White

Black and Asian

Asian and Hispanic

Others who can't just check one box

Others who cannot be defined by the color of their skin because inside,

Inside they are half breeds.





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