I could go for a


United States

I could go for a walk to take my mind off of what has already been done
But then I pass a random stranger and I start to get scared about the future
My mind can’t focus on the present which I prefer
He likes to scare me with a lot of things that he could think of
I stood up to him once but it was just him playing me
How can I fight someone who tells me what to do, what to say or even think of things before I can even think of it?
He likes to remember every detail of what I’ve done which I could never be proud of
And yet forgets those things that could make me feel better
Or at least accept the person I see in the mirror
I guess I am the heart because I react to everything that my mind offers
I used to not give so much thought to anything around me unless it was something or someone I cared about
Now I even worry for what I can do to someone whom I haven’t even met
I used to not care so much about the world
Now I still don’t care about it but I’m just scared of what it can do to me and what I can do 
I’m scared that I will become someone who I’m trying to avoid
In that case, I’m just trying to stay away from becoming anyone
I used to look forward to what this world can offer
Now I am only scared of the same thing that I used to look forward to
I was never born to be brave, to be strong
Sometimes I even wonder why I was even born in the first place
Fear is what drives me nowadays
Drive me away from the comfort or my safest happy place
And no matter how long it’s been driving it’ll never turn right
Or at least that’s what it makes me feel
Each and everytime it’s behind the wheels
It made me look away from anything that’s beautiful
It kept me long enough to forget what is normal

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