I once sat down
And bombarded my little head
Questions! questions! questions!
Why the continent was under siege
Friends turning to foes
Whose fooling who?

I once sat down
And questioned the sanity
Of the ancient philosphers
Of their teachings and preachings
Of this decadent age

I once sat down
And listened to the bloody cries
Weeping and wailing
Wriggling and writhing
Of mama Africa
Her voice echoing from the caves
Of Kilimanjaro
To the plains of the Seringeti

I once sat down
And authored a theory
Into why we have no harmony
Sombre songs we sing with symphony
War songs we cry with jubilation

I once sat down
And spat on the ground
That change would be
Before it dried
And none shall be
To diminish
Mother Africa's pride


This poem is about: 
Our world



This poem entails the situation of political instabilities and civil wars that is affecting many African nations in this modern error


Africa as a continent and the political strife ailing her

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