I'm going to be honest here


United States
37° 47' 37.2516" N, 122° 8' 46.3884" W
United States
37° 47' 37.2516" N, 122° 8' 46.3884" W

OK, I'm going to be honest here

All I really desire is money

I'm not even going to pretend-care

It's a waste of time. Really, it's funny

How scholarship apps are mostly essays

Thousands of words long, yet with no meaning

Myriads apply, just one gets their way

Without trying, but my hands are bleeding

Tired of failing, I just want to win

One thousand dollars looks great on a check

Not just any check, MY check. I'll grin

When I see that. Not yet though - I'm a wreck

Until that day comes, it's going to be war

Man! Financial aid never seemed so far...

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