On love again

Sun, 06/18/2023 - 16:20 -- Zor

The day we started seeing each other
I took you in as "by default" state
As if there was no choose for me to make
The uncomfort I kept on feeling was registered as insignificant
Yet i suffered much from loosing myself.
The silence fantasy and dreams
We're very soon crushed down
And we kept having conflicts as to where s it
Up or down
The comfort kept on growing slowly yet i still didn't feel in love
And all I can remember goodly is that i ran from home
I m here uncertain as to what shall I choose or not
Between a silence or a swift goodnight

I keep on creating buffers between me and you
So I could challenge my own perception of you as a future boo
I can't pretend I'm stupid I need to give me time
But since I am with you babe my inner had to lock
There's subjects i dint talk with you
Yet when I do bring up i meet with your resistance
I might be uncertain, lost and dumb
I might plan badly or have a hazy determination
I might look poorly equiped for future work or smt
Yet in my silence i feel like without you I'd reach a place where my mind would find a balance. In which I'd understand what's Been so far.
Cus fight now babe I'm oblivious of what our relationship is in deed.
Pls understand me and break your embrace free.
Im confused and irritated can't you really see that babe?
Pls offer me the space to unwind and find myself again.


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