Men too Cry

I am a man that smiles, laughs, grieves and cries too
You heard me right I do cry sometimes and why shouldn't I
I too have my weak moments like anyone can have
When I am vulnerable, fragile, hurt and bruised
I cry my heart out but does that make me a loser
A weaker man whom society looks down as a lesser man
I beg to differ Sir with your definition of a real man
Hey! I don't find myself any weaker and lesser than your macho man
This is what makes me the man I always wished I should
Who said men ought to be macho, aggressive and domineering?
One that never sheds tears afraid of judged as a stereotype
He is a leader and a provider who can do no wrong come what may
Big boys are big for they do only big things and cry they never
Man is not just a machine sans emotion, empathy and feelings
He is very much alive, sensitive and concerned in flesh and blood
Has a thinking mind and a caring heart that feels pain
Get it right dude he is a human first and a man next
Do women not cry often that makes them what they are
Why men should be any less and hold back tears
Let them cry their heart out and be stronger for the challenges ahead
Why stop them if they cry to go beyond their grief and pain?
Every time a man does that he becomes a better man a complete man

This poem is about: 
Our world


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