
Sun, 04/24/2022 - 16:30 -- Baya

you know

i've writen so much about 'him'

and i'm not a good person for him anymore

his intentions are good, pure.

mine are...

less than that. 

i cut him out of my life

not too long ago. 

i wrote about this one boy before...

and i can't say that my inentions are entirely good 

but again, i don't think his are either. 

he's like me, in a way

i can tell 

he just gets high to feel a little less 

and in his eyes, his goddamn eyes, 

i can see the pain and the tarnished innocence 

behind them. 

yet i can't approach him. i don't want to 

startle him 

i don't love him, 

but one day i think i would be able to. 

he's so difficult to read, yet easy to figure out. 

i'm the opposite, 

easy to read, difficult to figure out. 




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