Shooting Stars


United States
26° 14' 52.8504" N, 80° 16' 16.1724" W
United States
26° 14' 52.8504" N, 80° 16' 16.1724" W
I am screaming for you,
like a shooting star with mere seconds left.
Hurling towards inescapable demise—
I need you now.
In the distance I watch your flickering presence,
you stare so easily as I crash and burn.
I wonder in my last shimmers:
were we ever part of the same constellation 
or just two lost souls floating aimlessly through the galaxies?
Your cosmic hand in mine;
we dared to stand apart from the masses.
We would shine together or not at all,
a promise we burned into this infinite darkness.
But as I catastrophically implode, 
your once blinding light fades to a deceitful memory.



Nice write !! 

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