A Tribute to your emotions, I understand.

Sun, 07/23/2023 - 22:32 -- Zanies

I'm so deeply in love with you, I know I shouldn't be...
I shouldn't want you
But my heart aches
A heavy lump in my throat compels me to cry
Cry, when you're not around

God, I feel so selfish...
I want your all, But I promise it's pure
I want every ounce of love and hatred, good and evil
All that you are made of
I accept it all, if it's you.
I crave to cry your tears and smile your happiness
I want to be within you, your spirit and strength
I desire it all for myself, alone.

It frustrates me...
In amounts the oblivion couldn't contain
To know you can't understand this agonizing love I feel for you
I despise the way you lust for the world
I scream for hours inside my bleeding heart
Please just see me, hear me, choose me.

You don't deserve this Unconditional, frustrating love...
Sometimes I wish I could hate you for it
You make my good day's bad, bad day is good
My mind terrorizes my heart in hope it stops
But I can't
I simply can't.
All I can do is suffer as I love you-
From inside this invisible box that separates us
You'll never know
That you wet my pillows with tears
And fill my clothes with the scent of happy memories
I hope that's not all this is to you,

I don't care
I don't care
Even if all you feel for me is temptation in the night
If all we have is the night
Then please,
Let me be the starlight in your beautiful night
And the sweetness in your dreams
Because you are my first
Terrible, agonizing love
I wish it to be my last.

This poem is about: 
My family
Our world


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