you taught me to live, you taught me to die.

Mon, 12/13/2021 - 10:52 -- layla_

At seven years old, we learned how to spell

At seven years old, we learned how to hide

In 2012, my brother was born

In 2012, Sandy Hook happened without my knowledge

Perhaps as kids, we should've noticed

The extra hugs as we left for school, the hesitation in handing off the bags

But we were young and naive, and school hasn't always been a death trap

So, at seven years old, we sealed our lips and learned how to die.


At twelve years old, we learned about the Great Depression

At twelve years old, we learned that textbooks can slow a bullet

In 2018, I watched Avengers: Infinity War

In 2018, I watched the news as seventeen people died

We all noticed the change, because on the way to school the next morning,

My mother couldn't stop shaking

This time it was me that hesitated to let go of my little brother's bag

We were young but no longer naive

So, at twelve years old, we barricaded doors and learned how to die.


At sixteen years old, we learned about statistics 

At sixteen years old, we learned that the entire system is against us

In 2021, my little sister started school

In 2021, I screamed at the radio, how many more of us have to die

And nothing changed

Except for that we had an accidental lockdown the next day, and none of us cried

The red lights flashed outside our classroom, and as the helplessness sank in

I texted my mother, don't worry, I'll keep you posted

We are young but we accepted our fates long ago

So, at sixteen years old, we stood backs to the walls and remembered our training

We've been taught to die since we were seven.



Hi Layla,how u doing?

I really like the confessional nature of your poem. X

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