Poems from Bazzaro127

Bazzaro127's picture
Hello! I'm 19 years old. I've grown a lot since a year an a half ago. I still write lots of poems just don't have much time to post them. Its over 600 but who needs count, art isn't limited by number but heart-filled effort lol. I pray everyone is doing well, thank you for those who have read my craft, liked it, commented and took time out of their day to view it. Currently I speak mainly two languages English and spanish while learning french. I'm keeping busy, GOD bless everyone and have a dazzling day. Oh that's me and my mom too in the pic if it even loads haha, feeling fresh;).
  Wedding Day Grand in beauty Shining brighter than any city Rose’s rocket skyward Together   Alone in the shadows, No more, ended...
  Like a Flower             Lit by suns             Blossom like roses             Beautiful within             Astonishing outside...
  Gone Away but Why Not Stay             Once upon a time             You and I             Close in ties             Bond and all...
  Always There             Bright and smooth             You heal my wounds             Far and close, you seem right here            ...
  Who you are, fascinating             Beyond measure             Uplifting in all ways             Down right to my funny bone...
