Poems from Dylonius96

Dylonius96's picture
I actually have a book entitled "That You Might Peer Into My Soul." Check it out on Amazon, Book a Million and all major bookstore websites.
A Car with no engine A house with no panes in the windows Bicycles wihtout handlebars A pencil without any lead Guitars wihtout a hollow...
Climb, little one! Reach that sun! Let all creation tremble at your greatness! The small one is now a mighty army With swords of fire...
Where is my tomorrow that I should obey the Sun? What gave this light authority over me? How much is power worth? EVERYTHING! cries my...
I can see my freedom, straight above me if I only would reach it, then I would stop walking and fly, for I am man and that is no small...
A long barren log Sleeping along my road I found it hard to find my way bac home In this moment & in my time, I see the log still, but...
