Poems from Jörmundgandr

What's there to know that can't be said through my poetry? I'm a romantic.
Fox fire Blooms in plumes  As motley spots of tulips splotch the green grass Of a spry spring: Like firefly fairies  (Or will of the wisps...
Firefly sparks  As they're Spat from the anvil Of the summer sun Being hammered down, Down past the horizon of the ground.   Long groans...
Let these somber ashes be my epilogue.This scantily breathing flame, my prologue.My life’s length running it’s course along this cigarette...
Here lies the beast At the bottom Of the tightest round Where eternal shades Lay in wintery lament yet Hiding not In the womb of Gaia,...
We are but lonely gods; Divine primary partners In creation Stumbling in vain for Ephemeral sleep in starlight. Speaking in soft slumber ...
