Poems from Klause

I excel with my creative ability. I simply joined this community to verify if i'm simply just a writer or deserve the title of poet and if so what does that make me.
                When I search deep within myself for all that is wrong, the epicenter of my pain and rage, you are the only thing to be...
                Yes or no, in or out, on or off…these are the questions we ponder to inquire a just reality.                 But don’t...
Whatever’s inside me continues to grow, bubbling to the surface, irritating the skin that holds it back, a barrier toward this unholy...
Sometimes I wish I was see, not just comprehended on a visual level but truly, deeply understood for what I am, what I’ve come from and...
If I jump off this bridge will they make me go back to school? When I return some will think me cool, others a fool but from then on...
