Poems from Leticia M

I am Ugandan pursuing a degree in law.l love poetry and have written since l was seven.l am very sensitive to issues on violence.l am a daughter to Mr and mrs Mutumba
He asked me why l hid my body from the world "because the scars cut deep'l said. he smiled and said their pattern was beautiful
It cut deep and hurt then you kissed it and said it was okay and it healed my fear I landed low and hard then you hugged me and said its...
My soul is locked up ln the vegeance of hate lt is bound up in chords of misery even when l run l end up in dark alleys but chains please...
There is a dark shade in me that flows out to this lighter shade on my surface But how will you love my art? lf your paint brush only...
I am wounded and the pain cuts deep but all l allow you to see are scars scars of a covered broken skin yet my soul remains so burned and...
