Poems from Megan Collins

Megan Collins's picture
I am Depression and a Daydream.
How little our life waswhen we were born webecame a possibility,a little light at the backof the fence, a way tofind home.  
Tricked are the onesborn without a captain,who learn how to feelwithout knowing what'smade them, and it's jugglingthrough obstacles that...
There's some musicplaying even without itbeing heard there's a someonewe've all heard of lying beyonda picture, and a dusted map showsus to...
Never add to the stigma of mental illness,it isn't something that is easy to cope with.It makes you believe lies about yourself, andyour...
So the worlds opened its jawslet you in, snatched,the feel of downfalltakes you to the sun,with shut eyes,still burning the cortexevery...
