Poems from Verse.come.verse.serve

I'm a 17 year old female from Louisiana, I've only recently gotten the guts to share my work with the world, I really hope you all like it!
A fake smile to hide a million tears A sweater to hide a thousand scars As eighteen nears She looks to the stars  Searching for a reason ...
Today I closed my eyes and thought ahead Though I saw mostly darkness By something I was taught afain to love In the darkness I found a...
So many tears I've shed In fear of falling apart So many words I've said Straight from the heart I say I'm okay But really there's a lot A...
I'm sorry I'm a writer I write from deep inside Nothing has made life lighter All I've done is lied But I am a fighter To understand the...
Once upon a time This girl named Ella decided to bust a rhyme Her rude step sisters called her Cinder  Cause all she was good for was...
